Oracle RightNow Web Experience (Customer Portal) provides a rich online customer experience solution so consumers can research, purchase, or resolve issues from any device.

If required, this web experience can be tailored to the client’s existing look & feel, so that the Customer Portal seamlessly integrates with the client’s site. This requires a multi-disciplinary team working on various levels, including design, web design, usability and coding in PHP, HTML and CSS.

An example of tailoring the Customer Portal is adding new entities to the Account Overview page. This is straightforward for some standard objects such as contacts and incidents. However, the process is far more challenging for custom objects and other standard objects such as opportunities.

We can share a recent example of advanced Customer Portal configuration. In a collaboration with Oracle, we were tasked with displaying opportunities representing customer orders on the Account Overview page. The objective of this was to allow customers to access the product orders related to their account, and to create incidents regarding the selected order.

The screenshot below displays the Account Overview page of the Customer Portal for this particular collaboration project. The ‘Orders’ report displays opportunities that are depicted as customer orders.

RightNow CX Customer Portal, with the new Opportunities entity displayed. RightNow CX Customer Portal, with the new "Orders" (Opportunities) entity displayed.

We will be posting an additional blog post in the near future with “behind the scenes” details of how these tasks were completed, but the high-level steps taken to customise the Customer Portal were:

  • display Opportunities on the Account Overview page in the form of a custom report;
  • create a custom widget, which filtered the opportunities report by logged-in contact, therefore allowing the logged-in contact to view the opportunities that are related to their account only;
  • create a custom widget to obtain field values from entities other than the standard widget attribute tables (contacts, incidents and answers);
  • create a custom opportunity details page, to allow customers to drill-down in to a specific opportunity to collect additional information;
  • add a custom opportunity icon to the existing sprite, for the new entity to fit in with the existing page layout and content.

Look out for our next RightNow blog post where we will reveal additional task-specific details!

If you would like to know more about Oracle RightNow CX or any of the topics mentioned above, simply call us on +44 203 283 4315 or contact us here.

Oracle Service Cloud Platinum Specialised Partner - Boxfusion

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